open all close all


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:
Case summaries chronologies and genograms September  2023
Conducting Visits to children during school hours April 2023
Changing the Social Worker - Children's Advice for Professionals September 2023
CCTV Policy June 2023
Family Time Guidance (Contact) June 2024
GRT Guidance  February 2022
Guidance on Safeguarding Reviews for Children and Adults January 2024
Early Help Review Guidance June 2023
Joint Working Protocol For Complex And Vulnerable Families And Those At Risk of Intentional Homelessness April 2023
MCA & DoLS Policy & Practice Guidance August 2023
Management oversight and supervision May 2024
Neglect Guidance February 2022
Neglect Tool Kit February 2022

OLA Consultation Process

February 2022
Pre-birth Practice Guidance April 2023
Physical Chastisement Including Smacking February 2024

Purposeful Recording Guidance and Template

February 2022
FII Practice Guidance  March 2022
Early Help Practice Guidance Handbook April 2024
Exploitation Guidance March 2022
Child Exploitation and Safeguarding Framework Diagram  March 2022

Placement stability Guidance 

September 2023
Practice Guidance Undertaking Effective Return Interviews January 2024
Safety Planning Guidance February 2023 
SMART Plans Guidance February 2023 
 JAR -Short Guide June 2023
Top tips from Children about positive meetings February 2023 
Transfer Policy and Procedures for Specialist Children's Teams June 2024 
Working With Complex And Vulnerable Families And Those At Risk Of Intentional Homelessness -Joint Working Guidance April 2023

Working with Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility

May 2022
Working Together Agreements Practice Guidance


August 2022
Placements Purposeful Visiting and Understanding the child's lived experience May 2024 
Working with Parental Substance Misuse January 2024
Working with the Risk of Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse September 2023 
Writing directly to the Child in Case recording  May 2024 


Title: When Inserted:
Updated Kent Access to Resources Panels (2020) February 2022


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:
Public Law Outline Initiation of Court Proceedings Handbook May 2022
Public Law Outline Initiation of Court Proceedings Toolkit May 2022
2 Letter Exit Pre-Proceedings Template February 2022
Application for Revocation of a Placement February 2022
Care Plan Template February 2022
FLBA CVP Guide February 2022
Guide on Finding a Solicitor February 2022
Guidance on Private Law March 2024
Independent Social Worker (ISW) Expectations Assessment Letter May 2024
Immediate Issue Letter Template February 2022
Kent Medway Section 7 Template February 2022
Legal Planning Meeting Agenda February 2022
Letter Before Proceedings Template June 2022
List of Concerns for Social Workers to Consider for Letter Before Proceedings February 2022
Local authority social work statement template for deprivation of liberty of children cases July 2023
Pre-Proceedings Meeting Agenda February 2022
Pre-Proceedings Meeting Minutes Templates February 2022

Supervision Order Report and Guidance 2023
July 2023
S.7 Practice Guidance Resources February 2022
S37 Social Work Evidence Statement Template February 2022

Guidance for Completing Social Work Evidence Templates

February 2022
Statement for Revocation of Placement Orders February 2022
Supervision Order Plan July 2023
SWET Final Statement February 2022
EPO Statement Template July 2023 
Local authority Social Work Evidence Template (SWET) July 2023
Letter explaining a Pre-Case Management Hearing Meeting July 2024
Pre-CMH meeting notes to send to families July 2024
Pre-Case Management Hearing Meeting short guide (004) July 2024 


Title: When Inserted:
Trail for Change Leaflet February 2022


Title: When Inserted:
Allegation or Complaint letter for Foster Carers February 2022
Allegation, Complaint, Standards of Care Report Template February 2022
Allegations against a Foster Carer: Guidance for staff February 2022 
Allegations Management against KCC Foster Carers Process Chart February 2022 
Applicant Declaration - disclosures with additional information February 2022
Carer Holiday Request Form February 2022
Carer to Carer Respite Placement Matching Record February 2022
CCTV Policy July 2023
DBS Policy April 2024
DBS (positive) Letter Template Fostering Service February 2022
DBS (positive) Senior Management Decision Record Fostering Service February 2022
DBS Disclosure Statement February 2022
Disability Living Allowance Policy & Practice Guidance April 2024
Foster Carer and FSW CIC Review Flowchart February 2022
Foster Carer Diary Records Policy July 2023
Foster Carer Unannounced Visit Guidance July 2023
Foster Carers Reassessment Report February 2022
Foster Carer Review Policy December 2023
Foster Carers Transfer Assessment Report Template May 2022
Fostering Assessment Joint Visit Appraisal February 2022
IFA Exemption Request February 2022
Kent Fostering Breaks Policy February 2022
Kent Fostering Emergency Bed Policy July 2023
Foster Carer Assessment Report Template May 2022
Guidance-Foster Carers wishing to secure permanence via a Non-Agency route February 2022
New Adult or Partner Joining a Fostering Household Report February 2022
New Adult in Fostering Household Personal Referee Letter (with questionnaire) February 2022
New Adult in Fostering Household Personal Referee Detail May 2022
Matching Meeting Report for Permanent Fostering June 2023
Matching for Permanent Fostering Process Chart July 2023
Moving On Checklist April 2024
Moving On Checklist (UASC) April 2024
On Hold & Suspended Policy February 2022 
Payment for Skills Policy Revision June 2023 
Panel checklist Template (Change in Terms in Approval) May 2022
Panel Checklist Template - (Termination of Approval) February 2022
Panel checklist Template (Exemption) February 2022
Panel checklist Template (First Annual Review) February 2022
Panel checklist Template (Standards of Care Complaint Allegation) February 2022
Panel checklist Template (Termination of Approval as Foster Carers Approval as KSH Hosts)  May 2022
Parent and Child Fostering Arrangements Policy July 2023
Passport Application for Children in Care Guidance and Protocol November 2023
Payment for Skills Panel Checklist February 2022
Payment for Skills Panel Foster Carers Statement of Evidence February 2022
Payment for Skills Panel FSW Statement February 2022
Payment for Skills Panel Process 2020 (In house Foster Carers) February 2022
Payment for Skills Panel Process 2020 (New Approvals) February 2022
Matching for Permanent Fostering Process Chart June 2023
Placement Planning and Safety checklist February 2022
Pocket Money and Savings Policy June 2022
Promoting Positive Behavior & Safer Care policy December 2023 
Relief Carer Assessment and Approval Process February 2022
Relief Carer Covering Letter February 2022
Relief Carer GP Medical Declaration February 2022
Relief Carer LADO Letter February 2022
Relief Carer Medical Declaration GP Letter February 2022
Relief Carer OLA Check Letter February 2022
Relief Carer Personal Reference Request Letter and Questionnaire February 2022
Relief Carer SS472 February 2022
Relief Carer Viability Assessment Report Template February 2022
Restrictive Physical Intervention Record February 2022
Review of PREVENT for KCC Foster Carers February 2022
Safe Care Plan - Process Flowchart November  2022
Short breaks Supervision Policy February 2022
Sense of Belonging Feedback February 2022
Sense of Belonging Referral Form May 2022
Sessional Work Referral Form February 2022
Sessional Worker Feedback February 2022
Sessional Worker Invoice February 2022
Sessional Worker Profile February 2022
Staying Put Policy May 2022
Staying Together Policy May 2022
Step Across to Fostering Policy April 2024
Unannounced Visits to Foster Homes Guidance August 2023
Unaccompanied Minor Emergency Bed Scheme Policy April 2024
Variation and Change of Approval Letter Approved February 2022
Variation & Change in Terms of Approval Policy February 2022


Title: When Inserted:
Permanence Planning Meeting February 2022
Permanency Planning Meeting Flowchart  February 2022


Title: When Inserted:
Practice Guidance Privately Fostered Children June 2024
Private Fostering (PF01_A) Letter_to_Private_Foster_Carer-re_Notification February 2022
Private Fostering (PF01_B) Private_Foster_Carer_Notification_Form February 2022
Private Fostering (PF01_C) Declaration_of_Suitability_of_PF_Placement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF01_D) Carer_Consent_to_Agency_Checks February 2022
Private Fostering (PF01_E) Letter_to_PF_Child February 2022
Private Fostering (PF02_A) Letter_to_Parent_re_Notification August 2022
Private Fostering (PF02_B) Parent_Notification_Form August 2022
Private Fostering (PF02_C) Parental_Medical_Consent August 2022
Private Fostering (PF02_D) Checklist_for_Parents February 2022
Private Fostering (PF02_E) Written_Agreement unfinished February 2022
Private Fostering (PF03) Foster_and_Agency_Check_Form February 2022
Private Fostering (PF04) Letter_to_Other_Local_Authority February 2022
Private Fostering (PF05_A) Letter_to_Health_Education_Advising_of_Placement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF05_B) Letter_to_School_re_PF-s_Child February 2022
Private Fostering (PF07) Carers_Permission_For_Enquiries_with_GP February 2022
Private Fostering (PF08) Letter_to_GP_and_Medical_Check February 2022
Private Fostering (PF09) A_Letter_to_PF_Carer_Regarding_Assessment February 2022
Private Fostering (PF10) Private_Foster_Carer_Health_Safety_Checklist February 2022
Private Fostering (PF11) Questionnaire_For_Completion_By_Referees February 2022
Private Fostering (PF12) Letter_to_PF_Carer_Regarding_Non_Notification February 2022
Private Fostering (PF15) Annual_Review_of_Private_Fostering_Arrangement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF16) Notice_of_End_of_Private_Fostering_Arrangement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF17) Letter_to_Other_Agencies_End_of_PF_Arrangement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF18_A) Private_Fostering_CHECKLIST_Private_Foster_Child February 2022
Private Fostering (PF18_B) Private_Fostering_CHECKLIST_Private_Foster_Carer February 2022
Private Fostering (PF20) Letter_to_PF_carer_refusing_changes_to_exemption February 2022
Private Fostering (PF21_A) Request_To_Impose_Remove_or_Vary_a_Requirement February 2022
Private Fostering (PF21_B) Letter_to_PF_carer_re_requirements February 2022
Private Fostering (PF23) Notice_of_Prohibition February 2022
Private Fostering (PF24) Decision_To_Prosecute_for_Non_Notification February 2022
Private Fostering (PF25) Request_to_approve_PF_carer_who_is_disqualified February 2022
Private Fostering Guide for 5-11 year olds February 2022
Private Fostering Index_of_Private_Fostering_Forms February 2022
Private Fostering Info & Advice for YP Living with Host Families February 2022
Private Fostering PF Statement of Purpose Dec20 February 2022
Private Fostering SWA Record of Visit to Private Foster Carer February 2022
Private Fostering Timeline for social workers undertaking an assessment February 2022
Private-Fostering-A-Guide-For-Children-And-Young-People February 2022
Private-Fostering-Info-and-Advice-for-Host-Families February 2022
Private-Fostering-Info-and-Advice-for-Parents February 2022
Ofsted Form July 2024


Title: When Inserted:
Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:  
02 Initial CP Conference Invite Letter - Professionals   February 2022
4_SDQ Flowchart Updated   February 2022
5-factsheet_havingaplacetoloveenglish-v3   February 2022
6-factsheet_gettoknowyourrights-english-v2   February 2022
Agreement for child_young to be accommodated_signatures   February 2022
Albanian_Rising 21 Exit Questionnaire   February 2022
Albanian_Rising 21 Life After Care Booklet   February 2022
A Short Guide to Family and Friends Arrangements   December 2023
all-factsheets-arabic   February 2022
all-factsheets-kurdish   February 2022
all-factsheets-pashto   February 2022
all-factsheets-vietnamese   February 2022
Arabic_Factsheet1_Finance_FINAL   February 2022
Arabic_Factsheet2_WhosWho_FINAL   February 2022
Arabic_Factsheet3_Pathway_FINAL   February 2022
Arabic_Rising 21 Exit Questionnaire   February 2022
Arabic_Rising 21 Life After Care Booklet   February 2022
BAAF Initial Health Assessment - C   June 2024
BAAF Initial Health Assessment 2018 Amended 2024   June 2024
BAAF Review Health Assessment - C   June 2024
BAAF Review Health Assessment - YP 2018   June 2024
Careline_factsheet2_whoswho_v1   February 2022
Careline_factsheet3_pathway_v1   February 2022
Consent_to_Medical_Treatment_   February 2022
consultation leaflet for DCS oct 2015   February 2022
CP chair service practice alert   February 2022
CYP-Exit-interview April 16   February 2022
CYP Nearest Relative Protocol   September 2022
English_Rising 21 Exit Questionnaire   February 2022
English_Rising 21 Life After Care Booklet   February 2022
factsheet3_pathway_plans_english   February 2022
factsheets-albanian   February 2022

Family Time Supervisor and Foster Carer Diary Note Guidance

  August 2022

Family Time Arrangement

  January 2022

Family Time 5 Principles

  January 2022

Family Time Good Practice Guidance

  January 2022
Foster Carers-Partner Agency survey   February 2022
Invitation_Core Group memb_first stat_LAC Review_end_CP_plan   February 2022
IRO Contact Card pdf   February 2022
IRO-Appointment_slip_Albanian   February 2022
IRO-Appointment_slip_Arabic   February 2022
IRO-Appointment_slip_Pashto   February 2022
IRO-Appointment_slip_Tigrinya   February 2022
IRO-Appointment_slip_Vietnamese   February 2022
Kurdish_Factsheet2_WhosWho_FINAL   February 2022
Kurdish_Factsheet3_Pathway_FINAL   February 2022
Letter_to_parents_re_Children_who_are_subject_to_a_dual_CP   February 2022
IRO Escalation Process   April 2024
Nearest Relative Application to First Tier Tribunal   September 2022
Nearest Relative Template Letter Requesting Discharge   September 2022
Parent and child placement finding for Ct proceedings process Jan 22   February 2022
Parents survey April 16   February 2022
Pashto_Factsheet2_WhosWho_FINAL   February 2022
Pashto_Factsheet3_Pathway_FINAL   February 2022
Pashto_Rising 21 Exit Questionnaire   February 2022
Pashto_Rising 21 Life After Care Booklet   February 2022
Placement With Parents Agreement - signature form   February 2022
    June 2024
preparing-care-supervision-proceedings   February 2022
Rate Your Review   February 2022
S20 Agreement Form   February 2022
S20 Guidance - KCC   February 2022
SCS Feedback Children   February 2022
SCS Feedback Form Parents Carers   February 2022
SCS Feedback Form_Social Worker_7-11   February 2022
Sibling Assessment Template   February 2022
Staff survey April 16   February 2022
The-Kent-Pledge   August  2022
Tigrinya_Factsheet2_WhosWho_FINAL   February 2022
Top tips from Children about positive meetings   February 2023
Tigrinya_Factsheet3_Pathway_FINAL   February 2022
Tigrinya_Rising 21 Life After Care Booklet.compressed   February 2022
Timescales for Statutory Visits   February 2022
Vietnamese_Factsheet2_WhosWho_FINAL   February 2022
Vietnamese_Factsheet3_Pathway_FINAL   February 2022
GP Agency Checks Combined Version Blank    March 2022
Guidance for Children in Care and Online Safety   June 2022

Placements purposeful vising and understanding the childs lived experience

  June 2024


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:
7_Min_Briefing_MAPPA_KENT YJ Nov 2019 February 2022
AssetPlus Dictionary February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Acknowledgements and Introduction February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Appendices February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Bail and Remand February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Core Record February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Custody February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Explanations and Conclusions February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Foundations for Change February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Guidance on AssetPlus modules February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Leaving Custody February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Offending and Anti-social Behaviour February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Pathways and Planning February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Personal, Family and Social Factors February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Pre-Sentence Report February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Referral Order Report February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Referrals February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Restorative Justice February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Self-Assessment February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Using AssetPlus February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - YOT to YOT transfer February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance - Youth to Adult Services February 2022
AssetPlus Guidance version 3.0 February 2022
British Transport Police (BTP), Kent Youth Justice Service (KYJS) and Early Help (EH) referral process flowchart February 2022
Canterbury Going to Court - PDF February 2022
Criminal Practice Directions 2015 - Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales - 2015 - (take effect from May 2020) February 2022
Enhanced Case Management overview February 2022
Extremism for under 18s – Community Practice Advice February 2022
General User PRINT Version February 2022
Kent YJ Remand Management Guidance - Oct 21 (1) February 2022
Kent YJ Transition to Probation Guidance Dec 2020 February 2022
LTR01 - Health Professional Meeting February 2022
LTR02 - ISS First Planning Meeting February 2022
LTR03 - ISS Review Planning Meeting February 2022
LTR05 - Pre-Court - First Meeting February 2022
LTR06 - Pre-Court - Surgery Meeting February 2022
LTR07 - Pre-Court - Warning Letter February 2022
LTR08 - Pre-Sentence Report Meeting February 2022
LTR09 - Referral Order Panel - First or Extenison Panel Meeting February 2022
LTR10 - Referral Order Panel - Review Panel Meeting February 2022
LTR11 - Referral Order Panel - Sign Off Panel Meeting February 2022
LTR12 - Referral Order Panel - Breach Panel Meeting February 2022
LTR13 - Reparation Meeting - Single Meeting February 2022
LTR14 - Reparation Meeting - Multiple Meetings February 2022
LTR15 - Statutory Court Order - First Meeting February 2022
LTR16 - Statutory Court Order - Warning Letter February 2022
LTR17 - Statutory Court Order - Breach Hearing February 2022
LTR18 - Supervision Meeting - Single Meetings February 2022
LTR19 - Supervision Meeting - Multiple Meetings February 2022
LTR20 - Unpaid Work Meeting - Single Meeting February 2022
LTR21 - Unpaid Work Meeting - Multiple Meetings February 2022
MAPPA A - referral to level 2 or 3 (1) February 2022
MAPPA A and B Notes for staff Feb 2017 February 2022
MAPPA A Notes for completion February 2022
MAPPA A referral February 2022
MAPPA B Minutes level 2-3 February 2022
MAPPA Flow Chart V2 February 2022
MAPPA Guidance 2012 (v4.5 updated 2019) February 2022
MAPPA H eligible offender notification February 2022
MAPPA H YOT February 2022
MAPPA Q Screening February 2022
MAPPA_Guidance Nov 2021 February 2022
YJB joint-national-protocol-transitions-june-21 February 2022
OOC disposals operational guidance May 21final February 2022


Title: When Inserted:


Title: When Inserted:
New Referrals for 17+ Strengthening Independence Service June 2024
Strengthening Independent Service Visiting Frequencies July 2024