Safeguarding Adults

1. Safeguarding Adults under the Care Act

Use the links below to access sections of the Care Act 2014 resource for information about the legal requirements of all safeguarding under the Act.

  1. Aims and Principles of all Adult Safeguarding;
  2. When Safeguarding Duties Apply;
  3. Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect;
  4. The Response to a Concern about Abuse and Neglect.

2. Reporting Abuse and Neglect

Legal Requirements

Click here to access 'Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect', which is part of the larger Care Act 2014 resource.

Reporting Abuse and Neglect

To raise an urgent concern call 020 8496 3000 option 2 or email  MASH requests to

Note: If you are raising the concern outside of normal office hours use the telephone number and an Emergency Duty Social Worker will call you back.

Concerns can also be raised by using the online referral form by clicking here.

Note: When using the online form you may be asked to Register or Login. If so, you can bypass this request by selecting ‘continue without an account’. You will then be taken to the referral form.

If you do not have internet access or are unable to complete the online referral form independently you can visit a Library Plus branch where self-service computers are available and staff are on hand to provide support if need

  • Chingford Library Plus - The Green, Chingford E4 7EN;
  • Leyton Library Plus - High Road, Leyton E10 5QH;
  • Leytonstone Library Plus - 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG;
  • Walthamstow Library Plus - High Street, Walthamstow E17 7JN.

If it is not possible to use the online contact form, use one of the alternative methods of contact. The most important thing is that a referral is made.

If you are concerned that an adult or child is in imminent danger from abuse or neglect, or that a criminal act has taken place you should contact the police by dialing 999.

3. Multi-Agency and Local Procedures

The London Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures

Developed collaboratively the London multi-agency safeguarding procedures aim to provide a consistent response to safeguard all adults throughout London and should be used by all organisations and partners.

They set out specifically how London local authorities should work with other organisations, such as the police and the ICB to fulfil the requirements of the Care Act, including how they:

  1. Prevent and protect adults at risk from abuse;
  2. Empower and support adults to make their own choices;
  3. Investigate actual (or suspected) abuse or neglect; and
  4. Support adults who are at risk of, or experiencing abuse or neglect.

The London multi-agency policy and procedures set out a four stage process for handling safeguarding enquiries. The stages are:

  • Stage 1: Concerns;
  • Stage 2: Enquiry;
  • Stage 3: Safeguarding Plan and Review;
  • Stage 4: Closing the Enquiry.

Click here to access the local multi-agency safeguarding procedures.

Local Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and Procedures

Developed locally by the London Borough of Waltham Forest and the Waltham Forest Adult Safeguarding Partnership these procedures provide guidance to effectively implement each stage of the London multi-agency safeguarding procedures at a local level.

They should be the primary source of practice guidance for anyone working in the safeguarding arena in Waltham Forest.

Click here to access them.

ALADO Procedures

The ALADO (Adults Local Authority Designated Officer) procedures set out what should happen when the personal circumstances of an individual working or volunteering with an adult (or adults) with care and support needs means they could pose a risk. For example:

  1. Involvement with Children’s Services, where child protection plans are in place for their own children;
  2. They are named as a cause of concern in a case of domestic abuse;
  3. There has been an allegation/charge/caution or prosecution including sexual offences, violence, drugs, Human Trafficking or Modern Slavery;
  4. They have failed to report a safeguarding about which they have knowledge.

Click here to access the ALADO procedures.

4. The Safeguarding Adults Board

In line with the Care Act 2014 Waltham Forest has a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB).

Click here to access The Care Act 2014 and find out more about:

  1. The aim of Safeguarding Adults Boards;
  2. Their role and statutory duties;
  3. When boards must carry out a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR).
Further information about the WFSAB can be found by clicking here.