First Response Teams

Introduction and Contents

There are four localities each of which is made up of a First Response Team and a Review Team. The localities cover the following geographical areas in the borough:

Sutton, Cheam, Carshalton, and Wallington.

If you work on a Review Team see: Review Teams.

First Response Teams work with people over the age of 18 years who have physical or mental health needs.

First Response Teams are multidisciplinary, made up of Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Assessment Officers and Home Care Assessors. They work in partnership with Community Nursing Services and other primary care and secondary care health services.


The teams screen all new Adult Social Care referrals, Safeguarding concerns and OT referrals. They provide a range of information, advice and guidance and will decide how the referrals will be processed.

Eligibility assessment

The teams complete eligibility assessments for all new service users and access services via START and Encompass to provide care and support. They also complete all new carer’s assessments and complete statements of needs and support plans.

Equipment and adaptations

Assessment for equipment and adaptations is provided by Trusted Assessors and Occupational Therapists in the teams. They can also make recommendations for major adaptations and work closely with housing associations and colleagues for consideration of the Disabled Facilities Grant if appropriate.

Occupational Therapists also screen for and complete Mobility Assessments such as Blue Badges and Taxicards.


Safeguarding Adult referrals are received and processed by every team in Sutton, including the First Response Teams, Hospital Pathway Team and All Age Learning Disability Team. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all teams and there is not a separate safeguarding team.

Safeguarding referrals are screened and protection plans are put in place. Section 42 enquiries are completed for all safeguarding cases where the adult is not known to a Review Team.

Transfer to Review Teams

First Response Teams liaise with and transfer all long term cases and appropriate Safeguarding Adult referrals to the respective locality Review Team.

Contact Details

Wallington Area:

Wallington Telephone No: 0208 770 6287
Duty email:
Duty SVA email:

Sutton Area:

Sutton Telephone No: 0208 770 6304 (this is the current Sutton & Cheam number)
Duty email: (rename of
Duty SVA email: (rename of;

Cheam Area:

Cheam Telephone No: 0208 770 6260
Duty email: (new)
Duty SVA email: (new)

Carshalton Area:

Carshalton Telephone No: 0208 770 6223
Duty email:
Duty SVA email: