All Age Learning Disability

Introduction and Contents

The All Age Learning Disability Division consists of the follow service areas:

  • Learning Disability Adult Social Care;
  • Transitions service for Learning Disability 18-25 years;
  • Learning Disability Health Teams who work with Adults 18+ with a confirmed diagnosis of Learning disability.

The Learning Disability Adult Social Care and Transitions services both carry out the full range of statutory and non-statutory functions under the Care Act 2014 and Mental Capacity Act 2005.

This includes assessment of needs and/or mental capacity, care and support planning, review, safeguarding enquiries, best interest decision making and Court of Protection applications (Deputyship and DoLS).

The Learning Disability Health Teams are clinical and work closely with primary care (GP practices) and community health services as well as supporting LD Acute Liaison with secondary health professionals. They also support specialist therapists: Physiotherapy, Speech and Language therapy and Drama and music therapy. Additionally there is also a behaviour support practitioner and psychology service.

Note: These procedures are for Learning Disability Adult Social Care.

If you work in the Transitions Service for Learning Disability 18-25 see: Transition to Adult Care and Support.

If you work in a Learning Disability Health Team please refer to procedures and processes provided by the ICB or NHS Trust.