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6.2.21 Promotion of Education within Adoption


  1. Introduction
  2. Context
  3. Responsibility on Placement of Child for Adoption
  4. Ongoing Educational Responsibility After Children are Placed for Adoption
  5. Promoting Educational Achievement

1. Introduction

This document explains the responsibility of the Adoptive Parent in promoting education for Looked After Children.  Rochdale is committed to ensuring that all children have access to excellent educational opportunities and reaching their potential.  This is particularly so for our Looked After Children: those that have been placed for Adoption and those who are legally adopted.

 There is an increasing amount of research evidence that highlights the educational progress that Looked After Children is often lower than the progress of their peers.  It is vital that adoptive parents understand and assist children to achieve the five priority outcomes outlined in the Children Act 2004.  The third priority outcome is ‘enjoy and achieve’ which means that it is an expectation that Prospective Adoptive Parents prepare children for school enabling them to achieve national educational standards within school.  Achieving in education will also allow young people to make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being in society and good outcomes in their adult lives.

2. Context

  • Children Act 1989 Guidance Regulation Vol. 4;
  • Adoption Agency Regulations and Guidance 2011;
  • Education of Young People in Public Care joint DfES/Department of Health Guidance 2000;
  • Confidentiality Policy;
  • Adoption National Minimum Standards 2011;
  • Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Vol. 6.

3. Responsibility on Placement of Child for Adoption

It is the responsibility of the prospective adoptive parents to ensure that children and young people within their care attend school on a regular basis and arrive for school on time.

Prior to placement the key Social Worker should ensure that the Prospective Adoptive Parents are made aware of the child/young person’s educational history and details from their current school as well as any difficulties in achieving educational targets.  They should also be aware of any support that will be needed in promoting the child’s educational achievement in school.

The Adoption Support Plan will detail the Child’s Educational needs.  A copy of the support plan will be made available to Rochdale Virtual Schools Headteacher prior to placement. Advice and assistance will be sought from the Virtual school service wherever this is necessary to ensure the most appropriate school placement is identified this will include full consultation with the Prospective Adopter(s).

Prior to the Placement of a child, the Prospective Adopter(s) will be provided with copies of  the child’s Personal Education Plan and any other relevant school report.  Arrangements will be made for the prospective adopters to visit the child’s current school and meet with the Head and class teacher wherever this is appropriate.  

It is important to note that a child cannot be known by a new surname until the making of an Adoption Order unless the court gives their permission, or each birth parent or guardian has given their written consent (see section 82(3) and (3)(a) of the Adoption And Children Act  2002). The school will be made aware of this requirement prior to admission and the child/children to be placed will be prepared in accordance with this requirement.  In exceptional circumstances the Local Authority may seek the leave of the court or written consent from both birth parents if there is strong evidence it is in the child’s best interest and to do nothing would be detrimental to the child’s general wellbeing.

Prospective Adoptive Parents must ensure that the child/young person is prepared for school and has the correct school uniform, P.E kit, equipment and a suitable bag. It is expected that Adoptive Parents will also ensure that the child/young person has access to and is encouraged to access any after school clubs and school trips.

Prospective adoptive parents will be fully supported in making the transition to their new school.  It is expected that the Prospective Adopters in consultation with the child’s Social Worker have together arranged a plan of introductions to the school and that the school have given careful thought as to how the child will be introduced and fully supported into their new class and the school as a whole.

It is expected that Prospective Adopters ensure that any child placed with them for adoption is aware of educational projects and facilities i.e. museums, libraries that exist in their locality. 

The child/children should also be made aware of the school routine, school rules, and any other relevant information regarding school.  The Prospective Adopters will also be expected to gain information about school holidays and other important dates such as sports day, parents’ evening etc to allow them to make suitable arrangements.  Prospective adopters will maintain regular contact with the child’s school, attending all parents’ meetings as appropriate.

All children who are placed for adoption will need to be helped by their prospective adopters to ensure that they achieve their educational goals.  It is acknowledged that some prospective adopters may also need additional advocacy and support to enable them to work with the child’s school to maximise the child’s achievements and to minimise any underachievement.

It is also expected that  Prospective adopters will engage and work with schools, colleges and other learning organisations, to support the child’s education including advocating to help overcome any problems the child may be experiencing in their education setting.

4. Ongoing Educational Responsibility After Children are Placed for Adoption

Prospective Adopters will encourage regular school attendance, punctuality and provide school with relevant up to date information on the child.  A positive routine will be encouraged and the child will be expected to go to bed at a time that is reasonable for their age and will maximise the chances for them not to be tired during the school day.

Prospective Adopters must encourage and support the child with any homework set by school e.g. reading, spellings and any project work. Children should be actively encouraged to do homework in a quiet space and be helped with anything they require assistance on.

It is expected that Prospective Adopters will attend Parent evenings (with the child if appropriate).

Educational activities within the Adoptive placement should be promoted i.e. engaging the child in reading, sports, educational outings and creative art.

It is expected that Prospective Adopters will forge and maintain working relationships with the school and   liaise on a regular basis.  All children placed for Adoption will have access to a PC / laptop in the home and has internet access and adopters are aware of e-safety; this should be confirmed prior to placement and detailed within the Adoption Support plan. 

No children who are placed for adoption should be taken out of school to go on holiday in school term time.  Family holidays should be taken in school holidays.

5. Promoting Educational Achievement

Prospective Adopters will be expected to support a child’s learning and join them as a library member.   

Prospective Adopters will be expected to have a range of information about activities / groups that the child can access locally.

Prospective Adopters will ensure the child has access to a wide range of reading materials that supports hobbies and interests. It is expected that reading materials should also include those that promote an understanding of other cultures.

A quiet area will be provided in the home for the child to read and complete homework and learning. This area will provide access to resources e.g. paper, pens, calculator etc.

Prospective Adopters should have a copy of the Childs PEP in order to ensure that they are familiar with targets and support the child to attain these targets.

Prospective Adopters along with the child’s Social Worker will attend all school meetings including Personal Education Planning meetings.  Prospective Adopters are also expected to attend all Parents Evenings.

There should be a regular communication about the child’s progress in school between prospective adopters, school staff and Virtual School staff where this applies.  Details of any information about a child’s education will be recorded on the child’s social care case file.

Prospective Adopters cannot move a child from a school to an alternative education provision without prior consultation and agreement of the Local Authority.
