Report a Safeguarding Adult Concern

1. Members of the Public

Concerns about a vulnerable adult

If you are concerned about a vulnerable adult who is at risk of neglect or abuse in Northumberland contact:

Onecall: 01670 536 400
Textphone: 01670 536 844

Safeguarding adult referrals should be made online:
See: Safeguarding Adults Enquiry Form.

To report a crime

In an emergency, contact the police by calling 999.
If the person is not in immediate danger, contact the police by calling 101.

Hate crime, domestic abuse or antisocial behaviour

You can report hate crime, domestic abuse or antisocial behaviour online:
See: Report a concern about hate crime, domestic abuse or antisocial behaviour.

2. Organisations, Professionals and Adult Social Care Staff

See: Disclosure and Raising a Concern Procedure.

This sets out how to recognise abuse, what to do if an adult discloses abuse, how to determine immediate action and preserve evidence, and how to raise a concern to the local authority.