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Role of Environmental Health Team

The Environmental Health Department operate within Growth, Housing and Environment of the Government of Jersey. They are responsible for investigating complaints and supporting people across a number of areas, including:

  • Investigation of public health concerns, for example infectious disease or living in perceived squalor;
  • Investigate minimum health and safety standards within the private rental sector;
  • Investigate allegations of illegal evictions;
  • Investigate requirements under the Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 2011;
  • Investigate the impact of statutory nuisance from one household to another.

There is a legal duty for Environmental Health to investigate concerns regarding infectious disease and allegations of statutory nuisance.

The Environmental Health Team have a key role in cases relating to self-neglect – where they can bring high levels of expertise, risk assessment, use persuasive compliance, patience and negotiation skills to work with the person to improve the situation.

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