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Jersey Glossary

Jersey - Local Key Words and Abbreviations in Respect of Adult Safeguarding

Keyword Description
Abuse Abuse includes physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, material, neglect, acts of omission, discriminatory and institutional abuse.
The Assistant Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) ADASS is the UK national leadership association of directors for local authority adult social care service.
Adult at Risk A person who has care and support needs (irrespective of whether such needs are being formally met) and, is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect and; is unable to protect themselves because of their care and support needs.
Advocacy – advocates Advocacy – advocates have been trained in order to enable the person with who they are working with to say what they want, secure their rights represent their interests and obtain services they need.
Alerting Alerting is passing on concerns of suspected or alleged abuse to a safeguarding lead, and the safeguarding adults team. Please note this is now referred to as raising a concern.

Alleged Abuser
Alleged Perpetrator

(Person alleged to have caused harm)

Alleged Abuser/Alleged Perpetrator is referred to as a Person alleged to have caused harm or neglect. Also, source of harm.
Appropriate Adult Appropriate Adult is a suitable person who safeguards the interests of an adult at risk who is being interviewed by the police either as a suspect or as a witness.
Capacity Capacity is the ability to make a decision about a particular matter at the time the decision needs to be made.
Care Management Care Management is the process of assessment of need and care planning and review for adults who are referred to Adult Social Services.
Care Worker Care Worker is a person who is paid to provide personal/practical/emotional care to an individual.
Carer Carer refers to unpaid carers, for example, family member, friend or neighbour of the adult at risk. Paid workers, including personal assistants, whose job title may be 'carer', are called staff.
Case Conference

Case Conference is a multi-agency meeting held to discuss the complexity of a person's circumstances. These are usually attended by partners from different agencies – and are not managed under safeguarding arrangements.

Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) CMHTs are made up of a team of professionals and support staff that provide specialist mental health services to people within the community.
Concern A safeguarding concern can be made by anyone and is the way of reporting abuse or neglect which are received or identified within any agency.
Disclosure and Barring Service/Criminal Records Bureau (DBS/CRB) DBS/CRB is a process for gathering information about someone's criminal convictions and other cautions, reprimands and final warnings given by the Police.
Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and 'Honour'-based violence (DASH) DASH is a risk identification checklist (RIC) a tool used to help front -line practitioners identify high-risk cases of domestic abuse, stalking and 'honour'-based violence.
Disclosure Disclosure is an action by an adult to communicate in any way that abuse/harm has occurred.
Department of Health (DoH) The DoH is responsible for improving England's health and well-being and in doing so achieve better health, better care, and better value for all.
Duly Authorised Officer Duly Authorised Officer (similar to Approved Mental health Professionals AMHPS in the UK) is a mental health professional appointed to undertake assessments and applications for detention under the Mental Health (Jersey) Law 1969. They will also be involved in making Guardianship orders.
Domestic Violence Unit Police who manage safeguarding issues specifically linked to Domestic Violence.
Domiciliary Care Agency Domiciliary Care Agency is an agency that provides personal / practical care to individuals or families in their own home.
Duty of Care Duty of Care involves taking reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions, which are likely to cause harm to another person.
Enquiries Is the term replacing 'investigations' in the 2019/2020 Policy and Procedures. 'Enquiries' relate to a range of activities undertaken to support, enable and protect a person at risk, and are a vehicle to deliver the person's desired outcomes (with consideration to making plans for the welfare of others also).
Health and Community Services (HCS) HCS is a department within The Government of Jersey who has responsibility for social care and health care in Jersey.
Independent Capacity Advocate (ICA) The Capacity & Self Determination (Jersey) Law requires an ICA to be appointed for a person lacking capacity, who lacks support, in specific cases: where serious medical treatment is proposed, where provision of, or a change of, accommodation in a hospital or care home is proposed, or where a significant restriction on liberty is proposed. ICA's may also be appointed to support incapacitated adults for safeguarding purposes.
Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) IDVAs are trained to provide support to address safety of victims at risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members to secure their safety and the safety of their children.
Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) As IDVA, but trained to support victims of sexual abuse, grooming and violence.
Investigation Investigations may be required as part of a safeguarding enquiry and will be undertaken by professionals with the appropriate powers, and legal responsibilities. E.g. Police, Employers under disciplinary arrangements. The term investigations is also relevant to large-scale investigations into adult abuse.
Jersey Ambulance Service (JAS) Jersey Ambulance Service.
Jersey Care Commission An independent body who register, regulate and inspect (regulated) care services including residential care homes, home care services, private carers, hospitals, children's homes – and tattoo studios.

Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (JFRS)

Jersey Fire and Rescue Service.
Jersey Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (JMAPPA)

JMAPPA are statutory arrangements for managing sexual and violent offenders. JMAPPA is the name given to arrangements for the management of offenders who pose a serious risk to the public.

Making Safeguarding Personal

Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is an approach to Safeguarding that aims to ensure that the Person (adult at risk) and/or their advocate in relation to the safeguarding enquiry, are fully engaged and consulted throughout and that their wishes and views are central to the final outcomes as far as is possible.

Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference is the multi-agency forum of organisations that manage high-risk cases of domestic abuse, stalking and 'honour' based violence.
Monitoring Monitoring is the activity of collecting information about cases of abuse and alleged abuse, including content and outcome of investigations.
Multi Agency Multi Agency refers to any agency or service that might be involved in safeguarding adults.
Multi-Agency Case Conference Multi-Agency Case Conference is a meeting of all those involved in the safeguarding enquiry, including the adult at risk and their advocacy worker or representative, to receive the investigation report and plan action to be taken.
Multi-Disciplinary Review Multi Disciplinary Review (similar to the Care Programme Approach - CPA in the UK) is the process of assessment of the needs, care planning and the identification of a care coordinator for adults who have been accepted into specialist mental health services.
Positive Risk Taking Positive Risk Taking is an approach that seeks to give choice and control back to service users by facilitating them to balance protection and risk.
Public Health Department (PHD) A department with the States of Jersey whose primary aim is to keep the general population healthy and safe.
Public Protection Unit (PPU) A section of the Police who deal with adult at risk of harm, domestic violence and child abuse.
Provider Provider is an agency in the statutory (required by statutes), voluntary or independent sector that provides social care services.
Reporting Reporting is a process of referring on information of suspected or alleged abuse to a person with responsibility for investigating abuse.
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment is the holistic and systematic process of identifying and quantifying the personal, social and environmental hazards in a person's situation.
Risk Management Risk Management is a clear plan which takes into account the types and level of risk and attempts to reduce the risks by means of a range of interventions.
Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Adults is used to describe all work to help adults at risk stay safe from significant harm. It replaces 'adult protection'.
Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB) SAPB represents various organizations in ensuring adults at risk are effectively safeguarded.
Safety Plan Safety Plan is a recommended action and tasks required to protect the adult at risk, and the identification of the agencies and individuals responsible for carrying the actions out.
Safeguarding Adults Enquiry Safeguarding Adults Enquiry is the process for responding to, and actions and decisions to be taken on, receipt of a report of a safeguarding adults concern.
Safeguarding Planning Meeting Replaces the term strategy for planning adult safeguarding enquiries.
Senior Safeguarding Practitioner - Safeguarding coordinator Senior Safeguarding Practitioner is a social work senior practitioner responsible for coordinating safeguarding adults' activity in response to an allegation of abuse.
Special Needs Team (Adults) Special Needs Team (Adults) is a multi-disciplinary team who are responsible for the care and treatment of adults over the age of 18 who have learning disabilities.
Safeguarding Investigation Was a term used in our previous safeguarding policy and procedures, which was updated in December 2019.
Strategy Meeting / Discussion Strategy Meeting is a multi-agency meeting between relevant organisations in respect of planning enquiries into organisational abuse or large-scale investigations.
Serious Case Review (Adults)

Serious Case Review (Adults) is a multi-agency review when a serious case of adult abuse takes place. The aim is for agencies and individuals to learn lessons to improve the way in which they work.

These are referred to as SAR's (Safeguarding Adults Reviews) in Care Act Guidance.
Sexual Offences Liaison Officer (SOLO) Sexual Offences Liaison Officer (SOLO) are specially trained police officers who offer both victim care and carry out investigation.
Social Work Team Manager Social Work Team Manager is manager with responsibility for social care services.
Significant Harm Significant Harm is not only ill treatment (including sexual abuse and forms of ill treatment which are not physical), but also the impairment of, or an avoidable deterioration in, physical or mental health and the impairment of physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development.
States of Jersey Police (SOJP) SOJP is the professional police service of Jersey.
Statutory Statutory is required by Statute to show there must be a legislative basis for any obligation or requirement that may be referred to as being statutory.
Serious or Untoward Incidents (SUIs) SUI is defined as an incident that occurred which results in serious harm or unexpected or avoidable death of one or more patients, staff, visitors or members of the public.
Voluntary Agency Voluntary Agency is a non-profit making agency who may or may not use paid or unpaid employees.

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