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DMRIndependent Fostering Agency Procedures Manual



The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011
Regulation 15 - Health of children placed with foster parents

Fostering Services: National Minimum Standards
STANDARD 6 - Promoting good health and wellbeing


NHS Choices – Stop Smoking


  1. Introduction
  2. Foster Carers
  3. Children
  4. Electronic Cigarettes (also called e-cigarettes and vaporisers)

1. Introduction

The Government smoking ban, set out in the Health Act 2006, came into effect in England on 1 July 2007, and made it illegal to smoke in any public place.

The Agency wants all children to live in an environment that promotes their health and wellbeing. Foster carers play a key role in protecting and promoting children's health.

Although foster carers' homes are not regarded as a workplace, it is essential that the rights of carers to smoke are balanced against the rights of looked after children to be healthy.

The health risks from smoking and passive smoking are well known, with smoking being the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in the United Kingdom.

Most children will have experimented with tobacco by the age of 16 and this is a key age at which behaviour can be shaped and influenced. Research does suggest that smoke free environments, promoting non-smoking as the cultural norm and providing children with information about the dangers of smoking does help to prevent young people from starting to smoke. Providing positive non-smoking role models and support to stop smoking can help them to quit.

2. Foster Carers

It is important that foster carers understand and are made aware of the detrimental effect of smoking and passive smoking on their health and that of other people in their household.

During the recruitment, assessment and preparation process, discussions will take place with applicants regarding our expectations and requirements.

The fostering Agency will make every effort to support and encourage carers who wish to give up smoking.

The Agency is clear that any carer who smokes or lives in a household where people smoke cannot be approved to take a child under the age of five. In addition, any child with known middle ear or respiratory tract infections, or who is prone to asthma and bronchitis, may not be placed in a smoking household, although exceptions may be made where it is in the child's best interests.

The issue will be raised regularly with all approved carers who smoke and reinforced through regular supervision. Support is crucial, particularly as smoking can be a response to stress, and consideration needs to be given to ways of minimising the level of stress experienced.

The Supervising Social Worker will agree a smoke-free plan with the carers to include the following:
  • Carers and other members of the household, including visitors, will not smoke in the company of children of any age, in the home or in the car and will promote non-smoking as the norm;
  • Smoking will take place outside the home;
  • Tobacco products, matches or lighters will not be left lying around or accessible to children. 

3. Children 

It is illegal for retailers to sell any tobacco products to anyone below the age of 18. In the same way foster carers will not be permitted to provide children with tobacco products.

Some children may start smoking or be smokers at the point of becoming looked after. You should support and encourage them to reduce or stop smoking. Support is available from the Looked After Children's Nurse or the young person's GP. This should be discussed with the child/young person's social worker and addressed as part of the young person's Health Plan.

In situations where a child already smokes it is reasonable to expect the foster carer to have an agreed place to store any smoking products whilst the child is in the foster home and for the child to hand them over to the carer. This will be explained to the child and their social worker and recorded in the Placement Plan. The child will be expected to comply with the smoke-free plan for the foster home.

4. Electronic Cigarettes (also called e-cigarettes and vaporisers)

"The use of  e-cigarettes among young people is rare and is almost entirely confined to those young people who already smoke".

Public Health England - independent expert e-cigarettes evidence review

It is an offence for shops to sell e-cigarettes to under 18s or for an adult to buy e-cigarettes for them.

The long term effects of vaping / E-cigarettes on health are unknown, but current research indicates that their use is significantly less harmful than conventional smoking, and that the use of e-cigarettes is currently the most popular tool used by smokers who want to quit.

However, if a young person indicates that they would like to try e-cigarettes as a way of giving up smoking, they should be encouraged to contact the LAC Nurse, their GP or local stop smoking services.

For more information, please see Electronic Cigarettes – Evidence and advice on e-cigarettes (GOV.UK)

The welfare of children is the Agency's primary concern and the long-term impact of e-cigarettes is unknown. The fostering Agency will continue to monitor any research regarding this subject and will review information as appropriate.