Business Continuity Plan - Situation Occurring


Notifications of Serious Events Procedure


Situation Occurring Template – this template is to be completed in respect of each and every incident in the home.

This guidance was added to the procedures manual in March 2019; it explains the process for recording details of incidents which occur in the home. It links to the Situation Occurring Template which should be completed following every incident and used to make a record of actions and decision making. The template also contains a checklist for staff to ensure they have completed all necessary notifications and an agenda to be used for debriefing when reviewing the incident and its aftermath to see if lessons can be learnt for the future.

Procedure to be Followed

The Situation Occurring Template must be completed in respect of each and every incident that occurs in the Home.

  • This first part of the document relates to general information about the Home – this part can be completed on the form electronically as much of this information will be unchanged for each form.
  • The 'Situation Alert Form' part will need to be completed individually for each incident that occurs. Copies of this can be printed for staff to complete as necessary.
  • 'The Service Impact Analysis' and 'Checklist' part will also need completing in respect of each individual incident.

In relation to any incident where it is necessary to contact a manager out-of-hours, this plan must be completed. 

All telephone calls (or text message exchanges) to mangers, the deputies, service manager or head of service should be recorded, along with the relevant information – the date and time of the call, and by whom the call was made, as well as the response that was given by that manager.

This should avoid situations occurring where information is not passed over between shifts, leading to potential confusion and miscommunication.

All calls to Social Worker / Careline, or emergency services and any advice should be logged.