Education Policy for Children Adopted from Care

1. Introduction

This policy aims to clarify responsibilities for Local Authorities involved with Adoption Partnership south east Regional Adoption Agency regarding support for children adopted from care.

Adoption has lifelong implications for all involved and requires commitment from many different organisations, professionals and individuals who must work together to meet the needs for services for those affected by adoption.

'Adopted children should have an enjoyable childhood, and benefit from excellent parenting and education, enjoying a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and skills, which in turn will lead to a successful adult life'. (Adoption National Minimum Standards 2011).

Education staff in schools, working in partnership with the child's adoptive parents will play a vital role in helping adopted children achieve positive outcomes in their education, as well as assisting in their social and emotional development (Appendix 1: Information for Teachers).

Adopted children share many characteristics with their non-adopted peers. However, in common with other children who have experiences that have precipitated them coming into care, and prevented return to their family of origin, they can suffer from a similar range of emotional and behavioural difficulties.

In February 2018, the Government published new statutory guidance for Local Authorities and schools in promoting the education of looked after children and previously looked after children. Virtual Schools now have a key role in ensuring that previously looked after children have the maximum opportunity to reach their full education potential by being a source of advice and information to help parents to advocate for their children as effectively as possible.

2. Policy Statement

The education and achievement of adopted children is to be actively promoted as valuable and as part of their preparation for adulthood (Adoption National Minimum Standards 2011). This requires an effective partnership between the adoptive parent, the adoption agency and schools, which will be supported by the virtual school in the school's local authority.

Local Authorities have a responsibility to support the educational achievement of Children in Care. This will include ensuring that children are placed with adopters who demonstrate a high commitment to supporting their education. Prior to placement the Adoption Support Plan will contain a thorough assessment of the child's vulnerabilities, and current and possible future educational support needs. Where there are resource implications these will be considered by the Area Resource Panel, and consultation will take place with Education. For cross boundary Children in Care placed for adoption by other Local Authorities (other than Bexley, Kent and Medway), any special educational needs should be raised with the Adoption Support Services Adviser in the first instance who will signpost to the relevant Special Educational Needs (SEN) team and the Virtual School Previously Looked After Children Team.

Once the adoption order has been granted then the adoptive parent(s) take on full responsibility for the child/young person, and in most cases will have no further contact with the child's original Social Worker, or their Adoption Worker. If they do then the Local Authority which was accountable for the child when they were in care remains responsible for adoption support for up to three years after the adoption order is granted. Following this period, then the Local Authority where the adoptive family resides becomes responsible (with the exception of financial support which continues to rest with the original Local Authority). Adoption support services for Bexley, Kent and Medway are offered through the Adoption Support Teams, within Adoption Partnership south east. The Virtual School in the Local Authority where the child is at school is responsible for providing advice and information irrespective of where the child was adopted from.

Adoptive parents are strongly advised to have regular Education Plan for Previously Looked After Children (EPPLAC) meetings throughout their child's education.

3. School Admissions

In accordance with the School Admissions Code all schools must have over subscription criteria. Under the criteria any adopted child who was previously in care must be given the highest priority in relation to school admissions (i.e. the same level of priority as Children in Care, or former Children in Care subject to Special Guardianship or Residence Orders). TO BE CHECKED AGAINST ADMISSIONS CRITERIA.

In addition to priority for adopted children, Local Authorities define a sibling as a child living as brother or sister in the same house, including adopted children. The Local Authority recommends that where the admissions authority is the Governing body, they should take the same approach.

4. Early Years Provision

Adopted children are entitled to free early education entitlement for two-year-olds and are eligible to apply for additional childcare hours (up to 30 hours) for 3-4 year olds with working parents and guardians.

5. Virtual School Kent

Virtual Schools have a responsibility to promote the educational achievement of previously looked after children in their area by providing information and advice to:

  • Any person that has parental responsibility for the child;
  • Providers of funded early years education, designated teachers for previously looked after children in maintained schools and academies;
  • To any person the authority considers appropriate for promoting the educational achievement of relevant children.

Each Virtual School decides on the extent of their offer within their local authority and works closely with the Regional Adoption Agency. As a minimum, this must include:

  • Responding to parental requests for advice and information, including signposting parents to other services for advice and support.
  • Responding to requests for advice and information from providers of early education, designated teachers in maintained schools and academies, and providers of alternative provision in their area in respect of individual children supported by the local authority.
  • Make general advice and information available to early years settings and schools to improve awareness of the vulnerability and needs of previously looked after children, including promoting good practice on identifying and meeting their needs and guidance on effective use of PP+.
  • Encourage and support early education settings and schools to have high expectations in helping previously looked after children to achieve their full potential in education.
  • Have relationships with health, education and social care partners and other partners, such as voluntary sector organisations, so that there is an understanding of the support available to previously looked after children in their area.
  • Encourage education settings and professionals to share expertise on what works in supporting previously looked after children's education.
  • Ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to meet the training needs of those responsible for promoting the educational achievement of previously looked after children.

During the adoption process, the Virtual School will fulfil the following:

  • Advise Social Workers on individual cases regarding the child's educational needs, as necessary;
  • Advise social workers on individual cases regarding the child's educational needs, as necessary, including where appropriate a contribution to the Adoption Support Plan;
  • Contribute to the Care Planning for children including those who are placed or have a plan for adoption via the CIC Panels and planning meetings;
  • When notified by Social Workers that the child has been placed for adoption, the Virtual School will:
    • Ensure that the school update and transfer their pupil records accordingly.
  • When notified by Social Workers that the adoption order has been granted, close down the old record and take any of the steps above which have not yet been completed;
  • Support the adoptive parents with specific difficulties relating to education;
  • Provide contact details of the relevant Virtual School for post adoption support if this is outside of the County as and when appropriate.

6. Associated Policies

Adoption Statement of Purpose.

Appendix 1: Information for Teachers

Supporting adoptive parents

Adoptive parents experience an exciting but rapid and demanding learning curve when their children are first placed. Like all new parents they may have some problems adjusting to parenthood no matter how much they welcome the child's arrival. Unlike most other parents they may be very new to parenting at the time the child starts at their first/or new school. Schools have an important role in helping new parents understand and negotiate the educational system. As the adopted child progresses through the school positive attitudes and understanding from school staff will help promote their health and well being, particularly if the long term impact of a child's very early experiences on their development and learning, is recognised.

Always remember the child's situation is confidential and any discussions between school and adoptive parents, which may breech their confidentiality and that of the child, are held in private.

Schools and adoptive parents should aim to develop strong, positive and direct links as effective exchange of information about matters relating to pupils' education and well-being is essential and schools should know who to contact in case of emergency.

The school's Local Authority has a Virtual School who can provide advice for schools and education settings who are supporting Previously Looked After Children.

Supporting adopted children and those placed for adoption

The average age of children being placed for adoption nationally, is 4 years. Many children therefore are facing the additional challenge of adjusting to their new adoptive family at the point at which they start school.

Transition to secondary school can be very challenging for some adopted children, in moving from a more nurturing environment to a larger and more complex physical environment. Adolescence can raise additional pressures for adopted young people, who may be more questioning about their past, at a time when they also want to fit in with peers and seek independence from the known family. It is crucial to keep adoptive parents involved in decision making regarding managing any behavioural issues in school.

Confidentiality is of great importance to the adopted child or young person, who may not want to be seen as different from their classmates.

The designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Statutory Guidance on their roles and responsibilities (February 2018) makes it clear that the child should continue to be treated in the same way as any other Looked After Child, for the purpose of school admission priority arrangements and in relation to the designated teacher's role. Once the adoption order is made, the child is no longer looked after, however, the Designated Teacher continues to have responsibility for promoting the child's educational achievement.

The designated (Children in Care) teacher in each school will have information and advice about attachment difficulties which may affect an adopted child's behaviour. Children with a secure attachment will respond positively to other children, have good social skills, high levels of self-esteem, cope with setbacks and have independence skills. Where the child could not develop this attachment in their original family the child may exhibit difficulties in a number of ways, he/she may be over-anxious to please, desperate to do anything to escape rejection. They may withdraw unable to relate to either peers or adults. Their chaotic feelings could develop into chaotic behaviour. Unstructured time may be particularly difficult for the child.

What adoption can mean for children

Sensitivity to difference in families will enhance the environment for all children in the school, (including Children in Care or those living with step-parent). Not all adopted children will be known to the school, if the adoption was some time in the past, but the right environment can be created by an understanding of the different structures of families, and different life experiences of individual, even young children.

Some children who have been adopted from care may remain vulnerable to change and experience difficulties in new situations. Adopted children have all experienced loss - loss of birth family, at least one foster family, friends, their previous school etc. This can be quite overwhelming and can feel like rejection. This sense of loss can be rekindled at various times in their lives not just when they are first placed. Continuity and routine is important for adopted children and change can be very unsettling e.g. transfer to secondary school, or change of class or teacher.

Playtimes can often be stressful due to their unstructured and unpredictable nature and adopted children can sometimes need extra help at these times.

'Time out' may not work effectively with a child who has not yet developed trust in adults.

The child may behave in a completely different way in school to how they are at home. For example as they begin to feel more secure in the adoptive family they could be dismissive, withdrawn or rejecting at home, but over friendly at school. This dynamic needs to be considered by schools as an expression of attachment difficulties, and not necessarily as a consequence of poor parenting by the adoptive parents!

However schools have an important role to play in safeguarding all children, so if there are concerns about how the adoptive family is managing they should be discussed with the Designated Teacher, or, if serious concerns, taken up according to safeguarding procedures in the usual way.

Schools should consider carefully what is included in the curriculum issues i.e. adopted children have two sets of parents and may have brothers and sisters living elsewhere. Their birth family may still be a very real part of their lives through ongoing contact and this can be unsettling at times. Children may not have information or may not wish to write about family trees or personal biography. Photos and other keepsakes from when they were younger may not be available. A simple exercise like a family tree can be difficult for many children. Being required to make a Mother's day or Father's day card can be very traumatic or confusing for some children.

Some adopted children will achieve well at school while others may have special educational needs, be developmentally functioning at a lower age, and teachers need to be aware of possible short term memory problems, and consider strategies to address these.


CoramBAAF has useful resources for professionals involved in adoption on their website.

Supporting Families who Adopt, Department for Education, 2012

Understanding Why - Understanding attachment and how this can affect education with special reference to adopted children and young people and those looked after by local authorities - National Children's Bureau

Child Welfare Information Gateway gives information on parenting and teaching adopted children of primary school age (from American Departmental Website).

Appendix 2: Information for Social Worker - Education Issues and Adoption

When adoption is being considered for a child the Child in Care Review will consider the child's educational needs. A full Adoption Support Plan should set out the child's educational needs for consideration by the Agency Decision Maker. The child's Social Worker must consult with education regarding any support needs the child has and may have post placement.

Consideration of adopters

A summary of reports on the child's education should be provided to any prospective adopters who are considering progressing to a match with a child.

Access to specialist educational advice will be given to prospective adopters, as necessary, when a match is being considered. The Virtual School will signpost to appropriate resources.

It is essential that agencies make available to the prospective adopter all material facts about the child(ren) that may be placed in their care. The information provided must include full details of the child's background. This includes educational progress (or difficulties), behaviour and comprehensive information about physical and mental health and development, and the implications for the future (Revised Statutory Guidance Adoption and Children Act 2011)

For children needing additional educational support; before presenting the proposed match to the Adoption Panel, the Adoption Support Plan should be updated and presented to the Area Resource Panel.

Planning for the adoption placement

After a 'match' with prospective adopters and before a Child in Care is placed for Adoption, social workers should ensure that the data quality team is informed. The team will then take action needed to shield the record on Liberi.

The Adoption Placement Plan needs to include consideration of the exercise of Parental Responsibility post placement regarding the child's education.

Whether the child is changing school or not, the child's Social Worker must write to the current school and any new school prior to the placement (with cc to relevant Virtual School contact), and inform the adopter(s) that this has been done. This will maintain the confidentiality of the placement and ensure that the necessary steps are taken regarding the child's records and the child is known by the correct name (depending on authorisation by the court). The Standard Letters to be followed are on Kent Trust Web Children's Directory.

Reviews under the Adoption Agencies Regulations will take place while the child is in placement, and will consider the child's education. Teachers and other educational professionals should be invited to the review.

The Adoption Order

Consideration of the child's education and progress should be contained in the Court Report for the adoption order.

Footnote (2) - currently being updated

Once the adoption order is granted then the school should be informed on the Standard Letter (to relevant Virtual School contact) that the adopters now hold full parental responsibility for the child, and to remind the school to follow the local authority's procedures for pupil files and record keeping.

Post Adoption

If a contact is received from an adoptive family or child post adoption, in relation to support with Education then a referral should be made to the relevant Virtual School who will be able to advise where appropriate.

The Adoption Support Services assists prospective adopters and adopters through liaison with education and health services; across Local Authority boundaries and between departments within the Local Authority.

Adopters can request an Adoption support assessment when required which may include support for educational issues.

The Adoption Support Services Adviser (ASSA) in Adoption Partnership south east will liaise with the relevant Virtual School, the education authority and individual school on behalf of any recipient of support services. The ASSA also is a key facilitator of joint working across Local Authority boundaries and between departments. They will ensure that the responsible Social Worker also manages any step down to tier 2 services.


CoramBAAF has useful resources for professionals involved in adoption on their website.

Supporting Families who Adopt, Department for Education, 2012

Understanding Why - Understanding attachment and how this can affect education with special reference to adopted children and young people and those looked after by local authorities - National Children's Bureau.

Child Welfare Information Gateway gives information on parenting and teaching adopted children of primary school age (from American Departmental Website).

Appendix 3: Information for Adoptive Parents

Children are helped by their prospective adopters to achieve their educational or training goals and prospective adopters are supported to work with the child's education provider to maximise each child's achievements and to minimise any underachievement. Establishing relationships and routines pre-adoption will support better outcomes post order.

Prospective Adoptive parents should:

  • Remember that young people in care may already be disadvantaged and that extra effort may be required to enable them to learn and participate in school;
  • Find out who the Designated Teacher in the school of the child(ren) is and ensure that they have made themselves known to the school;
  • Liaise with the school regarding positive behaviour management as necessary;
  • Support children to attend school or alternative provision regularly.
  • Attend Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings;
  • Attend school functions, e.g. parents' evenings, sports days, functions etc;
  • Ensure that the child is able to complete homework in suitable surroundings and with access to appropriate equipment;
  • Ensure that each child has the relevant equipment and uniform to participate fully in school life;
  • Encourage participation in out of school activities and interests;
  • Celebrate the child's educational success as often as possible;
  • Assist with reading, homework, projects and advise the school of any difficulties in this area.


  • Meet with the schools and Designated Teacher to exchange information;
  • Ensure that information about the child's daily educational progress is passed on to the Social Worker;
  • Respond to letters and requests from school immediately;
  • Keep the child's class/form/Designated Teacher informed immediately of events in the child's home life, which may impact on educational progress;
  • Advise the school of absences and the reasons for those absences.


  • Attend planning meetings, review meetings and educational meetings and contribute to the development of the plan for the child/young person;
  • Act as an advocate for the child/young person on matters such as change of school placement, implications of travel, exclusions.

Ensure that the following information is kept and updated on a regular basis:

  • Personal Education Plan (PEP);
  • Request the Education Plan for Previously Looked After Children is completed with the school, as required, post adoption;
  • School timetable;
  • School reports;
  • Record of attendance;
  • Timetable of holidays;
  • Homework timetable and expectations;
  • Parents evenings and extracurricular activities.


CoramBAAF has useful resources for professionals involved in adoption on their website.

Supporting Families who Adopt, Department for Education, 2012

Understanding Why - Understanding attachment and how this can affect education with special reference to adopted children and young people and those looked after by local authorities - National Children's Bureau

Child Welfare Information Gateway gives information on parenting and teaching adopted children of primary school age (from American Departmental Website).

Education Now, Adoption UK