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1.1 Introduction and Overview / Purpose and Scope of the New Procedures


  1. Format
  2. Accessing and Updating Procedures
  3. Terminology
  4. Context
  5. Relationship of Policy, Procedures and Guidance
  6. Relevant Staff

    Appendix 1: Staff for whom This Manual is Relevant – (detailed listing)

1. Format

Welcome to the electronic Procedures Manual for the Kent and Medway Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships. The Kent and Medway LSCPs work closely together to provide joint procedures that reflect the level of cross boundary work undertaken by many of the agencies and organisations who use the procedures. They also reflect those local procedures that relate only to Kent or Medway.

The chapter Quick Guide explains how the Manual has been constructed and the key features which have been included to assist you in navigating the chapters.

2. Accessing and Updating Procedures

The Manual is permanently available via the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership and Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership websites.

Please do not make copies of the Manual or parts thereof as these are likely to become out of date.

It will be updated regularly and the amendments will be available from the website.

When amendments to procedures are made, they will be highlighted on the Contents page to draw your attention to where they are. The changes for each new version will be listed in the Quick Guide.

3. Terminology

A glossary of terms which have a technical significance or for which abbreviations may be used in the text, is provided in Keywords - use the button at the left hand side of each chapter to access this.

4. Context

The development of the procedures is one of the core functions of each LSCP in its role to coordinate local work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

They encourage close working between agencies to facilitate early intervention in a supportive way to meet the needs of children and their families.

The procedures have been written so as to be part of the wider goal of improving the overall wellbeing of children and achieving the five ‘Department for Education’ outcomes. They focus on the ‘Staying Safe’ outcome, and provide a framework for an integrated approach to safeguarding children from harm.

The procedures reflect current legislation, accepted best practice and comply with the government guidance: Working Together to Safeguard Children published by HM Government in 2015.

Further professional guidance is available from The Children Act 1989 guidance and regulations - Volume 2: care planning, placement and case review (June 2015).

5. Relationship of Policy, Procedures and Guidance

5.1 Policy Framework

The Policy Framework chapters within which all procedures should be read are set out in Part 1 of the Manual. All users should be familiar with these chapters before accessing other Parts of the Manual.

If necessary, agencies may develop supplementary ‘internal’ policies which represent higher standards or which reflect an agency specific contribution to safeguarding children and child protection. However, if they do so, they must be consistent with those in this Manual.

5.2 Procedures

Procedures indicate what must or may be done in specified circumstances and define the limits of professional discretion.

The procedures have the status of instructions to practitioners in LSCP member organisations and any inability or failure to comply with them should be accompanied by a brief explanation.

Any supplementary internal procedures developed by organisations should also refer to, and comply with these procedures.

5.3 Guidance

Guidance provides contextual information or addresses the question of why specified actions may be required.

6. Relevant Staff

The contents of this Manual are for application by those working, whether paid or unpaid, in LSCP member agencies and in private or voluntary sector organisations with responsibilities for children living or present in the LSCP areas. This requirement is set out in detail in Appendix 1: Staff for whom this Manual is Relevant below.

Appendix 1: Staff for whom this Manual is Relevant – (detailed listing)

The contents of this manual must be followed by staff in the following agencies that have responsibilities for children living, or present in Kent and Medway:

  • All Local Authority services including Children and Adult Services;
  • Elected Members;
  • Children’s Services (Education);
  • Adults’ Social Services / Care in work with parents;
  • Maintained and Independent schools and FE Colleges;
  • Kent Police and Transport Police;
  • All Health Services;
  • Housing, Libraries, Youth and Leisure Services;
  • Probation;
  • Integrated Youth Services including Youth Offending Services;
  • Early Years;
  • Children’s Centres;
  • CXK or  YES (Youth employment service) in Medway
  • Crown Prosecution Service;
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service;
  • South East Coast Ambulance Service;
  • Faith Groups;
  • Voluntary and Community Organisations;
  • OfSTED;
  • Children and Families Courts Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS);
  • UK Visas and Immigration;
  • Prisons and the secure estate.

In addition, when LSCP member agencies commission services from private or voluntary organisations, they should make compliance with this document a contractual requirement (this is for the majority of LSCP member agencies, an obligation under s.11 Children Act 2004).
