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BexleyChildren's Services Procedures Manual


The Neglect Strategy and resources have been developed in response to audit and quality assurance reviews of neglect cases in the London Borough of Bexley and to incorporate the findings and recommendations from the Ofsted Thematic Inspection Report In the Child's Time: Professional Responses to Neglect (2014) into practice.

Neglect is a complex area of practice, presenting particular challenges. It requires skilful use of assessment, professional authority and direct work with the child and parents to effect change. Professionals need to be alert to the complexity of practice in this area.

Neglect has far reaching and long term effects on children and young people. Children who are exposed to chronic neglect may suffer from a wide range of difficulties leading to poor physical health, underachievement in education and social and emotional difficulties. The effects can extend into adult life and lead to poor functioning and impact on an individual's own ability to parent. Neglect is often difficult to recognise as the impact is cumulative and the concerns may increase gradually over a long period of time.

The Neglect Strategy and resources are available to staff at:
N:\Directorate of Social & Community Services\Children & Families\Strategies Policies & Procedures\Strategies\Neglect Strategy and resources

This chapter was added to the manual in April 2017.